
Virginia 8-Hour Pre-Licensing Course

This course is required for all contractors applying for initial licensure (for an entity that is not currently licensed).


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Required Books 

There are no references required for the Pre-Licensing Course. American Contractors does carry many informative and educational tools to help contractors hit the ground running and succeed.

Please take a moment to view our online bookstore.

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Additional Services

Effective August 21, 2006, the Designated Employee or a member of Responsible Management of all contractors applying for initial licensure (for an entity that is not currently licensed) must successfully complete an 8-hour business class approved by the Board for Contractors.

This applies to Class-A, Class-B & Class-C Contractors. (Please note that individuals applying for a Class C license; A Owner/Officer/Partner of the Company must be the person to take the required 8-hour Business Course required by the Board.)

Individuals applying for a Class C license: An Owner/Partner/Corporate Officer of the company must be the one to complete the 8-hr Pre-Licensing Course.

This 8-hr pre-licensing course applies to Class-A, Class-B & Class-C Contractors.

This course is required for all contractors applying for initial licensure.

There is not an initial application needed, before completing the required Pre-Licensing Course.

Once you have successfully completed our 8-hour pre-licening course contact our office at 800-992-1910. 

Important Contacts

To apply for a license, contact:

Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation
9960 Mayland Drive
Suite 400
Richmond, Virginia 23233
Virginia exams are given by:

PSI Licensure: Certification
ATTN: Exam Registration
Daniel Building
3805 Cutshaw Ave., Suite 310
Richmond, VA 23230
(800) 733-9267
For Tradesman Testing Approval, completed applications should be sent to:
Board for Contractors
9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 400
Richmond, VA 23233

For more information, visit the website:

There is no reciprocity for this Pre-Licensing course.

Since this is a Pre-Licensing requirement, there are no Continuing Education requirements associated with it.

There is no examination required. Upon completion of this Pre-Licensing course, you will receive a certificate. American Contractors will submit your successful completion to the DPOR in Richmond. You will need to send a copy of this certificate with your completed license application.

The Pre-Licensing course content is as follows:

 An Overview of Financial Statements

  • The Balance Sheet
  • The Income Statement
  • The Statement of Cash Flows
  • Realizing the Relationship between Statements
  • Calculations for Bids
  • Margin versus Markup
  • Overhead and Profit Margins
  • Labor Laws
  • Lien Laws
  • Licensing Laws of Virginia
  • Fair Labor Standards Act
  • Virginia's Payment of Wage Law
  • Students will leave this course with a better understanding of Virginia's expectations of its contractors and a Certification stating they have met the State Licensing Board requirements.

  • American Contractors offers an 8-hour pre-licensing course, "Key Elements for Successful Contractors", that satisfies Virginia's requirements for persons wishing to become licensed contractors and has been approved by the Board for Contractors.