
Virginia Commercial Building Contractor

Commercial Building Contractors (Abbr: CBC) means those individuals whose contracts include construction, remodeling, repair, improvement, removal, or demolition on real property owned, controlled, or leased by another person of commercial, industrial, institutional, governmental, and accessory use buildings or structures. The CBC classification does not provide for electrical, plumbing, HVAC, or gas fitting services and does not allow construction, repair, or improvement, of dwellings and townhouses as defined in the USBC. If the CBC contractor performs specialty services, other than those listed in this definition, all required specialty designations shall be obtained. The CBC contractor may act as a prime contractor and contract with subcontractors to perform work not permitted by the CBC license. The commercial building classification includes but is not limited to the functions carried out by the following specialties for contracts of commercial, institutional, governmental, and accessory use buildings or structures, including multi-family housing: Billboard/sign contracting, Marine facility contracting, Commercial improvement contracting, Masonry contracting, Concrete contracting, Painting and wall-covering contracting, Farm improvement contracting, Recreational facility contracting, Industrialized building contracting, Roofing contracting, Landscape service contracting, Swimming pool contracting.


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Required Books 

The references listed below are allowed to be used during the exam and are used in our preparation seminar. These references may be tabbed (with permanent index tabs) and highlighted.

They are available for purchase from our online contractor’s bookstore or by calling our office at 1-800-992-1910.


Add All Required Books to Cart ($1,110.40)

Additional Services

NOTICE: Effective March 1, 2016, all Contractor Specialty examinations will require pre-approval from DPOR prior to taking the examination. For more information please contact the Board for Contractors Licensing Section directly at (804) 367-8511.

Effective August 21, 2006, the Designated Employee or a member of Responsible Management of all contractors applying for initial licensure (for an entity that is not currently licensed) must successfully complete an 8-hour business class approved by the Board for Contractors.

This applies to Class-A, Class-B & Class-C Contractors. (Please note that individuals applying for a Class C license; A Owner/Officer/Partner of the Company must be the person to take the required 8-hour Business Course required by the Board.)

Commercial Building Contractors (CBC) means those individuals whose contracts include construction, remodeling, repair, improvement, removal, or demolition on real property owned, controlled, or leased by another person of commercial, industrial, institutional, governmental, and accessory use buildings or structures. The CBC classification does not provide for electrical, plumbing, HVAC, or gas fitting services and does not allow construction, repair, or improvement, of dwellings and townhouses as defined in the USBC. If the CBC contractor performs specialty services, other than those listed in this definition, all required specialty designations shall be obtained.

The CBC contractor may act as a prime contractor and contract with subcontractors to perform work not permitted by the CBC license. The commercial building classification includes but is not limited to the functions carried out by the following specialties for contracts of commercial, institutional, governmental, and accessory use buildings or structures, including multi-family housing: Billboard/sign contracting, Marine facility contracting, Commercial improvement contracting, Masonry contracting, Concrete contracting, Painting and wallcovering contracting, Farm improvement contracting, Recreational facility contracting, Industrialized building contracting, Roofing contracting, Landscape service contracting, Swimming pool contracting.

Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation
9960 Mayland Drive
Suite 400
Richmond, Virginia 23233

Important Contacts

To apply for a license, contact:

Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation
9960 Mayland Drive
Suite 400
Richmond, Virginia 23233
Virginia exams are given by:

PSI Licensure: Certification
ATTN: Exam Registration
Daniel Building
3805 Cutshaw Ave., Suite 310
Richmond, VA 23230
(800) 733-9267
For Tradesman Testing Approval, completed applications should be sent to:
Board for Contractors
9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 400
Richmond, VA 23233

For more information, visit the website:

Virginia has entered into an agreement with NASCLA to accept the NASCLA Accredited Exam scores for the Commercial Building Classification, as of January 1, 2016.

NASCLA Accredited license is accepted in the following states: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nevada, North Carolina, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia & the Virgin Islands.

West Virginia will accept the NASCLA exam scores for the West Virginia General Contractor, provided the NASCLA exam was passed after 11/1/2013.

Nevada will accept the NASCLA exam scores if the exam was passed after 12/1/2013. This is for the same classification. As of 8/1/2017, Arizona began accepting this examination in lieu trade examinations for the B-1 and B-2 General Commercial Contracting Classifications. As of 11/21/2017 Arizona also began administering the NASCLA exam.

As of 3/1/2019, Florida is accepting the NASCLA exam. Scores from the NASCLA exam are now acceptable for the Residential, Building, or General Contractor classifications. Applicants using the NASCLA exam will still be required to pass the Florida Business and Finance exams and meet all other application requirements.

Virginia does not require Continuing Education for the Commercial Building Contractor classification at this time.

The Commercial Building Contractor exam is open-book, multiple choice with 80 questions and a 3 hour time. 70% is required to pass.

Subject areas include: Site Work 8 questions, Concrete including Reinforcement 9 questions, Masonry 9 questions, Metals 9 questions,  Carpentry 9 questions,  Thermal and Moisture Protection 8 questions,  Associated Trades Finishes including Drywall, Metal Stud Framing, Insulation and Moisture Control, Doors, Windows, and Glazing 7 questions, Safety 7 questions, Estimating and Plan Reading 8 questions, General Building Code Requirements, Life Safety and Egress Accessibility, Fire Protection Requirements, General Code Provisions 6 questions.

Exam Fees:(paid directly to PSI)

$40.00 One Portion

$72.00 Two Portions

$85.00 Three Portions

$85.00 QI Specialty Exam

To register for an exam contact PSI:

PSI Licensure: Certification
ATTN: Exam Registration
Daniel Building
3805 Cutshaw Ave., Suite 310
Richmond, VA  23230
(800) 733-9267

American Contractors offers an exam preparation seminar to prepare for the Virginia Commercial Building Contractor.  Please contact us or check back for more information as it becomes available.