
Arizona (C-11 or CR-11) Electrical

Installation, alteration, and repair of any wiring, related electrical material and equipment used in the generating, transmitting or utilization of electrical energy less than 600 volts, including all overhead electrical wiring on public right-of-ways for signs and street decorations, and all underground electrical distribution systems of less than 600 volts serving private properties. Installation, alteration, and repair on other than public right-of-ways of all outside, overhead, and underground electrical construction and all wiring in or on any building of less than 600 volts.

*Note: AZ applicants applying for the C-11 or CR-11 Electrical (Commercial) have a choice of trade exams. They can elect to take either the NASCLA Accredited Trade Examination for Electrical Contractors or the AZ ROC Electrical (Commercial) exam. There are differences in these exams. See the PSI CIB for each exam to compare the differences and determine which exam best fits your business needs.


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Required Books 

Many of the references listed are required and can be taken in to the exam. The is a semi-open books exam.  References can be highlighted and tabbed prior to testing with permanent tabs.

Add All Required Books to Cart ($675.75)

The Arizona Business Management exam is required.

All Contractors are required to obtain bonds. The amount is based on the license classification and the yearly work volume. For the lowest priced bonds in Arizona call 602-678-1200

Applicants are required to have 4 years of verifiable experience.

Installation, alteration, and repair of any wiring, related electrical material and equipment used in the generating, transmitting or utilization of electrical energy less than 600 volts, including all overhead electrical wiring on public right-of-ways for signs and street decorations, and all underground electrical distribution systems of less than 600 volts serving private properties. Installation, alteration, and repair on other than public right-of-ways of all outside, overhead, and underground electrical construction and all wiring in or on any building of less than 600 volts.

*Note: AZ applicants applying for the C-11 or CR-11 Electrical (Commercial) have a choice of trade exams. They can elect to take either the NASCLA Accredited Trade Examination for Electrical Contractors or the AZ ROC Electrical (Commercial) exam. There are differences in these exams. See the PSI CIB for each exam to compare the differences and determine which exam best fits your business needs.

To apply for a license, contact:

Registrar of Contractors
800 West Washington St.  6th floor
Phoenix, AZ 85007

To apply for an exam, contact:

PSI Licensure: Certification
ATTN: Examination Registration GA
3210 E Tropicana
Las Vegas, NV 89121
(800) 733-9267

Important Contacts

To apply for a license, contact:

Registrar of Contractors
1700 West Washington St. Ste.105
Phoenix, AZ 85007

The State Testing Agency is PSI

PSI Licensure: Certification
ATTN: Examination Registration GA
3210 E Tropicana
Las Vegas, NV 89121
(800) 733-9267

Rather than reciprocal agreements with other states, Arizona waives the trade exam for any applicant who has been the qualifying party within the last 5 years for a license in good standing in a classification the Registrar deems equivalelnt in another state, and passed a comaprable trade exam to obtain that license.


Arizona does not currently have Continuing Education requirements

The exam is 110 multiple-choice questions, 4 hours and 70% required to pass

One exam is $66.00;  Two exams (Business Management and one trade)  is $116.00

Exam topics include General Electrical Knowledge, Service Feeders and Branch Circuits,  Grounding and Bonding, Conductors and Cables, Raceways and Boxes, Special Occupancies and Equipment, Devices, Motors, Low Voltage, Lighting, Illuminated Signs , Fire Detection and Alarm Systems,Safety, Overcurrent Protection and Photovoltaics.

 AZ applicants applying for the C-11 or CR-11 Electrical (Commercial) have a choice of trade exams. They can elect to take either the NASCLA Accredited Trade Examination for Electrical Contractors or the AZ ROC Electrical (Commercial) exam

American Contractors offers a 2-day Web-seminar for the Arizona Electrical (C-11or CR-11)exam. This seminar will cover the National Electrical Code as it applies to your state contractor licensing exam.  You will leave prepared for the exam but you will also gain important information that can be applied to your trade every day.  Most importantly, each component of your exam will be covered including the math.  Test strategy is also covered to ensure you are confident about taking the exam.