
Pennsylvania Electrical

Anyone who acts, engages, advertises, or otherwise represents to be an electrical contractor (Registered Electrician) must first obtain a license from the Bureau of Building Inspection.


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Required Books 

The references listed below were used to create the exam and are required for our seminar. These books are permitted into the exam and can be tabbed and highlighted prior to testing.

Add All Required Books to Cart ($440.00)

You must meet ALL of the following requirements:

You must be 18 years of age or older

You must be able to read and speak the English language.

You must have graduated and received a certificate of attainment in electrical wiring from an accredited school, AND have 2 years of experience working as an electrician.

OR you must have 10 years experience working as a registered electrician in anouther state or municipality or 10 years experience working with an electrican registered in the City.

If you meet all the eligibility requirements, schedule your exam with ICC.

After passing your exam, you must apply in person at the Bureau of Building Inspection.

Anyone who acts, engages, advertises, or otherwise represents to be an electrical contractor (Registered Electrician) must first obtain a license from the Bureau of Building Inspection.

The application for Electrical Contractor Registration is available from:

Pittsburgh Bureau of Building Inspection

200 Ross Street, Room 320

Pittsburgh, PA 15219





Important Contacts

Highway perqualification information may be obtained from:
Dept. of Transportation
Prequalification Office

Dept. of General Services
Public Works-Headquarters Building
The Electrical License is regulated at the city and/or county level. However some larger cities do required that you take an exam. The exam is given by:
2100 NW 53rd Ave
Gainesville, FL 32653
Currently, Pittsburgh does not license by reciprocity, however your experience in other states or municipalities can help meet the experience requirements.
Currently, there are no Continuing Education requirements at this time.

The exam is administered through ICC.

The 701 Pennsylvaina (Pittsburgh) Standard Master Electrican exam is 100 questions, open-book, with a 5 hour time limit. Fee is $100.00

Based on the 2005 NEC the exam covers topics such as General Knowledge, Service and Service Equipment, Feeders, Branch Circuits & Conductors, Wiring Methods and Materials, Equipment and Devices, Control

American Contractors holds a 2-day Electrical Web-seminar that will help you pass your  Electrical or Electrician exam.  American Contractors has been holding Seminars to help contractors pass their exam for over 22 years. Call us today!